眼镜蛇交易系统THV V2国外一个著名的交易系统-外汇自动化交易系统
选择字号: 超大 标准 发布时间:2022-07-10 17:39 | 作者:外汇EA
Entry: Above Coral only long, below Coral only short
价格在Coral 指标之上只做多,之下只做空
Price crosses cloud – both Trix cross each other and have the same color.
价格交叉云 同时trix交叉及其他指标同色
Best and most secure trend confirmation is a cross of the fast Trix on the zero level.
最佳和最安全的确认趋势是 fast Trix与0轴交叉。
Exit:Faster Trix changes color and/or touch of a known good resistance/support level.
平仓:Faster Trix 变色 并/或 价格触碰阻力支撑位
Other reasons to take profit can be: Touch of a trend line, resistance or support line, horizontal psych level (00 – 20 – 50 – -80) or a black cat that cross your screen
其他止盈方式:触碰趋势线,阻力支撑线,psych (00 – 20 – 50 – -80) 水平位或一只黑猫穿过你的屏幕(囧)
Stop Loss: please set your stop loss according to your money management plan, as higher your TF that you trade as lower you set the pip value and as higher the Stop Loss, also it depends on the currency pair that you are trading.